Description=A small network tool that provides a wide range of Internet information : Host To IP - Convert host name to IP address. IP To Host - Convert IP address to host name. Whois - Get information on names from the Network Information. Finger - Obtain information about all users on a network host. EQ - Retrieve recent Earthquake information using Finger. HTML - View full header information and the page data from a Web server. FTP - Query FTP server. Shows root directories and files. Get Time - Obtain precise time value from a remote Time server. Sync My Clock - Obtain precise time value from a remote Time server and synchronize your local system clock. Port Scan - Verify a host for available network services. Ping - Verify connectivity to a particular device on the network. Trace - Show the list of gateways between your computer and a particular device. IPCfg - Launch Windows IP Configuration utillity. NetStat - Obtain information about current connections.